Cure back pain

Back pain is one disease that is often experienced by humans at age 30 or older. . The spine is composed of several sections that make up the unity of the function so that it can perform desired movements such as standing, sitting, squatting, bending, twisting, tilting and others. Spine row on the form a curve ahead on the neck and waist and arches backward in the chest area and hips. In between the vertebrae with each other so that there is joint allows rotary motion to the right and left.

In parts of the functional unit will involve a kind of neural stimulation that can deliver pain. Any process that causes the pull, tear, or the pressure in that section will cause low back pain. Similarly, the inflammatory process in these parts, can cause symptoms of back pain. The pain and stiffness in the waist in the morning that felt for many years will gradually spread to the upper spine that can also result in the back become more rigid and back became bent.
Back pain can also be caused by the influence of a disease, such as kidney disorders, heart disease, cancer, bone disease, or metabolic disorders. Back pain caused by kidney disease customarily due to abnormalities in the urine. Abnormalities in the form of blood in the urine due to damage to the bile duct wall due to injuries caused by kidney stones.

Other causes of back pain is usually caused by our daily habits such as:

Movement or posture is wrong when bending and lifting weights or goods;
Use shoes with high heels, because usually in normal circumstances the lumbar region of spinal curvature has a forward. When the curve ahead is excessive, will cause symptoms of back pain;
Sleeping with the base / foundation that is too flexible so as to make the spine following the bending base slept;
Lack of exercise leading to flexibility of joints and tissues go down, so the muscles are easily injured because saderhana movement, such as: lifting, pushing, or bending.
After knowing all the causes of back pain, then it would be nice if we seek a balance between rest and physical activity. Activities must be considered, the body must get enough rest, it includes a healthy lifestyle, including healthy eating patterns, the pattern of healthy values ​​and healthy mindset.

Here we convey a traditional herb that can be used to cope with back pain are:

30 grams of fresh leaves of the gods temu lawak + 30 grams + 25 grams of fresh leaves hia / new china with 500 cc of freshly boiled water to the remaining 200 cc, filtered water, drunk warm. Do it regularly.
Fresh red ginger 25 grams + 25 grams Intersection + 30 grams of fresh black mustard roots fresh sky god + 30 grams of fresh leaves boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered water, drunk warm. Do it regularly.
120 grams + 150 grams of red ginger garlic + chili powder to taste soaked with 75% alcohol just enough for 14 days. After the soaking water is applied to the affected part. Do it regularly.
10 grains angco + 1 - 3 pieces sun BOI / BOI Kiam + 15 grams of fresh red onion roots + 25 grams of fresh red ginger boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered water, drunk warm. Do it regularly.
100 grams of fruit takokak + 30 + 20 grams of corn fresh red ginger grams + 10 grams fennel boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered water, then drink warm. Do it regularly.
Cayenne pepper (stems removed) + ginger (sliced) each sufficiently soaked with 75% alcohol just enough for 14 days. After the soaking water is applied to the waist ache. Do it regularly.
Moxa ignited / burned then brought near the affected part with a close range of about 2.5 cm for 10-15 minutes. If it is too hot, a little distance away. Do it regularly.

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One Response to this post

  1. Unknown on April 15, 2014 at 10:37 PM

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