Hair care in order to become fertile

The hair is a cap that is attractive in a position to cope with. Especially for women the hair is a crown to be proud of. So it is, you treat your hair to remain fertile and lush.
Some ways to treat the hair, namely:
1st Aloe Vera
How to: Apply Aloe Vera mucus in your hair until it is evenly distributed in the morning and left for 12 hours. Then wash your hair with clean water.
Do this for 3 months in a row, but the result is satisfactory.
2nd Waru Leaf
Hibiscus leaves are also nutritious; the hair loss is mainly due to bad feed thypus
Comment: The young leaves of hibiscus, ground finely in order to remove water (mucus). Then the filtered water is then condensed for one night. The next day, rub the hair on the scalp until it is evenly dispersed. Make it every day will undoubtedly be fruitful, and no hair loss in a few months.
3rd Banana weevil
How: parutlah humpback banana, and then the condensed water is recovered in 1malam. On the morning moisten your hair with water the banana weevil. Make it every day
Another way is: Cut the banana tree hollowed out to about 15cm above the ground, and the center and covered with leaves. The next day the tribe of the banana water is used to moisten the hair.
4th Hazelnut
Hazelnut oil can help prevent hair loss is great.
How: Take nutty and then crushed and given water and then boiled to remove oil. Rub it was hazelnut oil on the scalp, to impregnate the pores. It does 3x per week
5th Paria Leaf (PARE)
The leaves can also be against the growth of hair rarely / thin lining (for toddlers).
How: Take a few leaves of fresh bitter melon and mix and knead until kneaded to remove the water and applied to the heads of children under five. Make it every day after bathing.
6th Oil Cemceman
Cemceman oil will grow from several materials that prevent the hair / make hair loss.
- ½ cup sesame oil
- ½ cup coconut
- Leaves of three parts aring
- Leaf (Hibiscus tiliaceus Linn) 3 pieces
- Bol Sheet 3 rooms
- Fragrant pandan leaves 1 sheet
- Pecans 2 eggs
- Rose Bud
- The Jasmine Flower 7
Boil water up to 2 liters in a pot large enough to cook. Sesame oil and coconut oil in a small pot and into a large pot with water and cook, used to cook. The leaves and nuts, cut into thin slices, with roses and jasmine. Then inserted into the sesame oil and coconut that was simmering.After 15 minutes, remove and then filtered and cooled.
How to use:
cemceman apply oil to the scalp thoroughly with a massage of 10 minutes. From walking to sleep at night and the morning dew soaked in water to try

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One Response to this post

  1. Alex Armstrong on June 5, 2021 at 3:05 AM

    Yes, Herpes simplex Viruses and every other diseases such as HIV/AIDS, CANCER, PARALYSIS, HPV, FIBROIDS, INFERTILITY,(INFECTIONS), and every others are curable. Best known to my is with the use of Herbal Remedies. I have said it before and still saying it Again, being an HSV carrier or any other isn't a death sentence. living on drugs to survive. Can Hinder you from many activities I can never be part of that to hide the truth. To be honest with you reading me again, it will be so disastrous if the rate of increase of sickness still exist and nothing is done yet for the physician therapist to anouced thier cures.
    Well I'm not longer interested but to the word , they're cures to all sickness/diseases. Dr. Odey Abang among many others is live curing people and through me others where curious meeting him and all got theirs. It's over a year now I got my cure and till date he had helped through me others have been cured , if you wanna contact him for your cure so you can confirmed. I'm Alex Armstrong from Chicago Illinois
    You can reach him up @

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