Properties of leaves

Benefits Beluntas ( Pluchea indica (L. less)

Beluntas ( Pluchea indica (L. less) generally grows wild in arid areas on the hard and rocky soil, or planted as a hedge plant. These plants require quite a bit of sunlight or shade, are found in coastal areas near the sea to a height of 1,000 m above sea level

Small shrub, growing upright, reaches 2 m high, sometimes more. Many branching, ribbed fine, soft hair. Short-stemmed leaves, where the alternate, oval leaves strands of breech, melancip rounded tip, serrated edge, glandulous, 2.5 to 9 cm long, 1 to 5.5 cm wide, bright green color, fragrant when crushed.

Panicle shape average compound interest, out of the armpit leaves and end of the shaft, a lot of inflorescence branches, flowers or sit-handled bulb shape, color yellowish white to purple.

Fruit longkah somewhat top-shaped, small, hard, brown with white corner angle, lokos. Seeds small, brown keputih putihan. Propagation by stem cuttings is quite old.

1. Nature and Benefits
Leaves beluntas aromatic smell and taste typical etir. Believed to boost the appetite (stomakik), helps digestion, sweat peluruh (diaforetik), reliever fever (antipyretic), and toners.

Roots beluntas peluruh efficacious as sweat and conditioning (demulcent)

2. Chemical Ingredients
Beluntas leaves contain alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, essential oils, chlorogenik acid, sodium, potassium, aluminum, calcium, magnesiaum, and phosphorus. While the root contains flavonoids and tannins.

3. Part Used
Leaves and roots. The use of fresh or dried.

4. Indication
Beluntas can be used for;
- Eliminates body odor, bad breath,
- Lack of appetite,
- Digestive disorders in children,
- TB glands (skrofuloderma),
- Pain in arthritis, bone pain (osteodinia), back pain (lumbago),
- Fever,
- Coming irregular menstruation,
- Whitish.

5. How to Use
Leaves or roots as much as 10-15 grams of boiling water, then drink. For external use, the leaves are crushed and then wrapped for stiff, sores, scabies, scabies, and ulcers.

The efficacy of Basil Leaf (Ocimum americanum L. Ocinum Sanetum. L)

  Basil is not familiar to us, we often encounter
in traditional markets or displayed on shelves of supermarket
bonds sold in small. The price is arguably relatively inexpensive,
we used to buy it just for salad or as an aromatic seasoning
in cooking. Basil is a member of the family Lamiaceae, which means the group of plants
with lipped flowers. The genus name basil is Ocimum which means
aromatic plants. Distinctive aroma comes from the leaves. basil
closely related to plant basil (ocimun sancium), mint leaves
(Mentha arvensis), and leaves wake aka cumin leaves (Coleus
amboinicus). Mint leaves in the Sunda known karesmen, commonly eaten
raw. The closest relatives of the basil is a bacillus (ocimun

Basil, other than as a complementary herbs and chili, also useful as a natural remedy. Here are some recipes basil leaves for a natural remedy that you can try:
1. Tea made ​​from basil leaves can be used to treat nausea, dysentery, or lower the heat (as antipyretics). How, one tablespoon of dried basil leaves brewed with half a cup of water, then drink. If necessary add honey as a sweetener.
2. To treat tinea versicolor, grab a handful of basil leaves, washed, finely crushed, give a little water whiting. Rub this mixture on the skin that has a skin fungus. Apply 2 times a day.
3. For canker sores, take the 50 basil leaves, washed, chew until soft for 2-3 minutes, swallow. Drinking warm water. Do 3kali day.
4. To reduce the smell of bad breath, frequent eating fresh vegetables basil leaves, turmeric leaves and beluntas.
5. Cope with the smell of sweat, get used to eating basil as fresh vegetables. For starters, do every day during 1minggu.
1. Treating warts, wash basil leaves, rub on a wart on a regular basis.

Efficacy celery ( Apium Graveolens.L)

Celery (Apium graveolens L.) has long been recognized as a hypertension drug. Plants that also looks beautiful when planted in pots is first used as a spice in cooking. Celery leaves commonly used to enrich the flavor a dish or gravy. Red bean soup and chicken porridge feels incomplete without a sprinkling of celery leaves if in it. In Europe, a large celery sticks are often made as a salad with mayonnaise or Bechamel sauce (milk-based sauce) in pita bread as a sandwich.
Plants that have been known since the early history of Egypt, Greece and Rome, including the type of vegetable is actually taken trunk. Yet in ancient literature there is a document that mentions the like celery or plants have been planted for purposes of treatment since 850 BC. Native plant seeds Mediterranean basin was used by ancient tabib Ayurveda to treat fever, flu, digestive disease, some types of arthritis, spleen and liver disease.
Based on the research, the plant contains sodium Apiaceae family that serves as a solvent to remove calcium deposits are related to the kidneys and joints. He also contain magnesium, which serves to relieve stress. Celery leaves contain protein, sulfur, calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamins A, B1 and C. Based on this research, celery also contains psoralen, a chemical that destroys the mother of a cancer-causing free radicals.
Rural communities have long used celery as a medicine to reduce the heat by applying a collision celery leaves to the head of a child with fever. Celery juice has cooling properties are believed to cool the head. Based on the experience of some people, the juice of celery may well breed and discolor hair and has no side effects.
Other Names:
Celery (UK), Celeri (France), celery (Italy); Selinon, Parsley (Germany), Celery (Indonesia); Sledri (Java), celery (Sunda);
Celery (Apium graveolens) can grow well in low or high plains. Plants dikatageorikan celery as a vegetable, celery plantations in Indonesia are in Berastagi, North Sumatra and West Java are scattered in Pacet, Pangalengan and Cipanas the cool air.
Celery has many nutrients, among others, (per 100 g):
• calories by 20 calories,
• 1 gram of protein
• 0.1 grams of fat
• 4.6 grams of carbohydrate
• Calcium 50 mg
• phosphorus 40 mg
• 1 mg iron
• Vitamin A 130 SI
• Vitamin B1 0.03 mg
• Vitamin C 11 mg and 63% of edible parts.
• Coriander leaves also contain many apiin, in addition to a diuretic substance that is useful to increase the amount of urine.
Curable Disease:
Hypertension, eye pain, Rheumatic;
How to order:
1. Hypertension
Ingredients: celery leaves to taste
Method: squeezed with enough cooking water and then
How to use: drink 3 times a day 2 tablespoons, and
performed regularly.
Note: Excessive use of dangerous!
2. useful for eye drugs have efficacy to overcome the eye dry.
Ingredients: 2 stalks celery, 2 stalks of spinach leaves, 1 stalk
basil leaves.
How to make: all the ingredients are pounded together and then
brewed with 1 cup hot water and filtered.
How to use: the usual drink.
3. Rheumatic
Ingredients: 1 stalk celery
How to use: eaten as fresh vegetables at each meal.

properties of aloe vera leaf (Aloe Vera Linn)

Did you know Benefits of Aloe vera for face, hair, body and health? certainly plants that are also known as aloe vera plant that is not familiar to us. Although already known for a long time, but few people know the benefits and efficacy of this plant.

It turns out the aloe vera leaf contains several substances that are very good for beauty treatments and medications. Aloe vera (Aloe Vera Linn) has been known for thousands of years ago.
This plant originated from Africa. Aloe vera into Indonesia brought by Chinese peasants in the 17th century. The name for these plants vary widely, depending on the country in which to grow.

Aloe vera can grow in arid regions, like Africa, Asia and America. This is due to the plant could close the stomata (mouths) of leaves until the meeting in the dry season to avoid water loss from leaves. Aloe vera can also grow in cold climates. The disadvantage, if planted in wet areas with high rainfall, susceptible to fungus.

Aloe vera plant stems fibrous or woody. Generally very short and hardly visible because the leaves are tightly and partially buried in the soil. Spear-shaped leaves of aloe vera with strands of elongated, thick fleshy, not reinforced, grayish green, and has a wax coating on the surface. Aloe vera leaves are sekulen, which contains water, sap and slime.

Trumpet-shaped flowers of aloe vera along 2-3 cm, yellow and arranged encircling the dangling end of the shaft rises to the top. Aloe vera is rooted fibers. Aloe vera contains two types of liquids, namely the clear jelly-like and yellowish liquid containing aloein. Aloe vera gel can be obtained with a split trunk.

Jelly contains anti-bacterial and anti fungal. Inside the jelly also contains salicylates, which can reduce pain and anti-swelling. While the yellowish fluid that contains aloin derived from the latex contained on the outside skin. This fluid can be used to laxatives.

Liquid aloe vera has the acidity (PH) such as human skin. This can avoid the occurrence of skin allergy to use. The presence of lignin and polysaccharide compounds provide the ability to penetrate the skin properly, as well as carrier substances necessary nutrients the skin. Amino acids contained in it will help the development of new cells, as well as eliminating the cells that have died.

And here is a herb that can be made from aloe vera to cure some diseases:

How to mix: 1 Aloe vera leaves are washed and peeled. It contained chopped or blended. Add 1 tablespoon of pure honey. Drink 3 times a day.

How to mix: Half (1 / 2) Aloe vera leaf stems discarded needles, washed, and shredded. Give a half (half) cup of hot water, then wring it out. Add 2 tablespoons of honey. In warmer conditions, drink 3 times a day.

How to mix: Half (1 / 2) stems from aloe vera leaves are washed and peeled. Contents are cut into small pieces. Brewed by half (half) cup of water. Give 1 tablespoon honey. Warm eaten two times a day.

Diabetes mellitus
How to mix: 2 sticks of aloe vera leaves, washed, discarded needles, cut into pieces. Boil 3 cups of water, then strain. Drink 3 times daily after meals, each half a glass.

Lowering blood sugar levels
How to mix: a stem of aloe vera large size (approximately the size of your palm) is cleaned with peeling skin and bones. Soak about 30 minutes in salt water. Squeeze a while and then rinse under running water (tap water). Boil 3 cups of water until boiling. Cool. Drink as much as 1 / 2 cups, 2 to 3 times a day.

Hair fertilizer
How to mix: 2 stem of aloe vera are washed and peeled. The contents rubbed on the scalp that had been washed in the afternoon. Wrap with cloth. The next day the hair is rinsed. Do it every day for 3 months.

Cough (stubborn)
How to mix: 20 g aloe vera leaves are washed, peeled, cut into pieces. Give 2 tablespoons of pure honey. Drink 2 times a day. Repeat for 10

Mangkokan leaf properties (Notopanax Scutellarium Merr)
This plant is often grown as a garden ornamental or hedge plant, although it can also be found growing wild in fields and river banks. Mangkokan here rarely or never flower, love the outdoors exposed to sunlight or less protected, and can grow at an altitude of 100-200 m above sea level.

Annual shrub, grows upright, height 1-3 m, stems woody, branched, round, long and straight. Single leaves, stemmed, rather thick, round shape notched like a bowl, base heart shaped, serrated edge, a diameter of 6-12 cm, pertulangan pinnate, dark green. Compound interest, an umbrella shape, the color green. The fruit is fruit buni, flat, green. Seeds small, hard and brown.

Ancient times, in emergencies daunya used as a plate or bowl to eat sago so-called leaf bowl. Young leaves can be eaten as a salad, anointing raw, or cooked and prepared vegetables. The leaves can also be used to feed livestock. Propagation by stem cuttings.

Nature and Benefits
Roots efficacious as peluruh urine (diuretic). Leaf efficacious as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory (anti-flamasi).

Chemical Ingredients
Stems and leaves contain calcium oxalate, peroxide, amygdalin, phosphorus, iron, fat, protein, and vitamins A, B1 and C.

Parts used: root

Roots and leaves mengkokan efficacious to overcome: Inflammation of the breast, breast swelling and launch expenses, hair loss, difficulty urinating, body odor and sores.

How to Use
Take a leaf to taste and boil and drink. For external use, older leaves finely milled and used locally.

Example Usage:

Mastitis, breast swelling accompanied by dam
Mengkokan old leaves to taste crushed with a little coconut oil and turmeric that has been shredded. Heat over low heat, warm the membangkak placed on the breast.

Mangkokan leaves to taste fresh washed and finely ground. Place on the wound, and bandaged. Replace 2-3 times a day.

Difficult urination
Older leaves are still fresh mangkokan soaked in hot water for a while. Lift, then warm warm compress on the lower abdomen.

Hair Loss
Mangkokan old leaves are still fresh enough after washed and finely ground. Add a little coconut oil, stirring until pasty. Then strain and squeeze. Results juice applied to the scalp with a light massage. Allow to dry, then wash the hair thoroughly. Do it every day.

Efficacy of betel leaf ( Piper Betle L)

Betel is a medicinal plant which is very beneficial. It contains antiseptic substances in all parts. The leaves are widely used to treat nosebleeds, red eyes, discharge, making a loud voice, and many more, including erectile dysfunction.

Efficacy of betel leaf is widely known and has been clinically tested. Until now, research on these crops are being developed. Betel leaf is useful for treating various diseases. Here are recipes from the Garden of Medicinal Plants Karyasari on betel leaves for utilization of healthcare.

1. Cough
Prepare 15 pieces of betel leaf and three glasses of water. Wash the leaves and simmer until the remaining three-quarters. Drink with honey.

2. Bronchitis
Boil seven betel leaves which had been washed with a piece of rock sugar in two cups water. Wait until the remaining into a glass. Drink three times a day each third of the glass.

3. Eliminates body odor
Take five betel leaves and boil with two cups of water. Wait until the remaining into a glass. Drinking in the afternoon.

4. Burn
Take a taste of betel leaves and wash. Squeeze the water and add a little honey. Put into place burns.

5. Nosebleed
Prepare a betel leaves are somewhat younger, then crushed and roll. Use to plug a bloody nose.

6. Ulcer
Take a taste of betel leaves and wash. After that, milled into powder and applied to boils and surroundings. Dressing and dressing twice a day.

7. Itchy and Red Eye
Provide 5-6 young and fresh betel leaves boiled with a glass of water until boiling. Wait until cool and use to wash the eye with a glass eye wash three times a day until healed.

8. Sore and itchy
Boil 20 pieces of betel leaves to boiling. Use boiled water is still warm to wash sores and itching.

9. Stopping Bleeding Gums
Boil four betel leaves in two cups of water. Use it to gargle.

10. Sprue
Take 1-2 pieces of betel leaf and then wash clean. Chew until creamed and dispose of the waste upon completion.

11. Eliminate Mouth Odor
Prepare 2-4 betel leaves, washed and squeezed. Brewed with hot water and use it to rinse.

12. Pimple
Take 7-10 betel leaves, washed and finely crushed. Brewed with two glasses of hot water. Use water to wash your face. Do it 2-3 times a day.

13. Whitish
Boil 10 betel leaves that were washed in 2.5 liters of water. Use boiled water is still warm to wash the vagina.

14. Breastfeeding Reduces Excess
Take a few betel leaves, washed and spread with coconut oil. Then warm over low heat until wilted. Stick around a swollen breasts while still warm.

properties of bay leaves ( Syziqum Polyanthum. Wal. P)
Did you know, use bay leaves as a flavoring in addition to cooking as well as natural medicines or herbal remedies? Bay leaf efficacious as a medicine diabetes / diabetes mellitus, ulcer medications, gout, hypertension, lowering cholesterol, curing diarrhea, gatal2 / eczema

Latin name: Syzygium polyanthum (Wight.) Walp.) Or Synonym: = Eugenia polyantha, Wight. = Eugenia lucidula, Miq.

Local Name:
Gowok, (Sunda), Burn (Java), kastolam (Kangean); Meselangan, Ubar lemongrass (Malay); Salam (Indonesia, Sundanese, Javanese, Madura, Ambon); bayleaf Indonesian, Indonesian Laurel, Indian bayleaf (UK), Indonesische Lorbeerblatt or Salamblatt (Germany)

Trees, fruit and bay leaf - Sizygium polyanthum

Tree reaching 25 m height, trunk rounded, smooth, lush and rooted titled riding. Single leaf, where the line of sight, 0.5 to 1 cm long leaf cluster. Leaf blade oblong to elliptical-shaped or round eggs breech, pointed tip, base tapering, flat edge, bone pinnate, smooth upper surface dark green, lower surface light green, 5-15 cm long, 3-8 cm wide, when squeezed aromatic. Flowers arranged in a panicle compound coming out of the end of the branch, white, fragrant smell. Buni fruit fruit, round 8-9 mm in diameter, the young fruit is green, dark red after cooking became, it was a bit Sepat. Seed round. about 1 cm in diameter, brown. Regards grown for its leaves is taken as a complementary herbs, while the bark is used as a dye netting or woven bamboo. The fruit can be propagated by seeds, grafts or cuttings.

Nature and Benefits
The leaves taste chelate and astrigen

Chemical Ingredients
Regards menganung essential oils (sitral, eugenol), tannins and flavonoids

Parts used
The part used is the leaves. Additionally bark, roots and fruits are also efficacious as a medicine.

The leaves are used for the treatment of:

High cholesterol
Diabetes (Diabetes mellitus)
High blood pressure (Hypertension)
Gastroenteritis / gastritis (gastritis)
The fruit is used for treatment:

How to use
For drugs taken, drink decoction of 70-20 leaves fresh or dried leaves. For external use only, minced leaves, bark or root until smooth, then provide information to a hospital, such as scabies and itching.

Diarrhea medication
Wash 15 fresh bay leaves served until clean. Add 2 cups of water, then boil until boiling (For 15 minutes). Next put a little salt. Once cool, strain and filter drinking water well
Diabetes Drugs / Diabetes Mellitus
7-15 Wash fresh bay leaves, then boiled in 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. Once cool, strain and filter drinking water well before eating. Apply 2 times a day.
Uric Acid Drug
Take 10 fresh bay leaves, boil in 4 cups water to 2 cups left over. Then strain. Drink while warm.
Lowering high blood cholesterol levels
Wash 10-15g fresh bay leaves thoroughly, then boiled in 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. Once cool, strain and filter drinking water well at night. Perform this treatment every day.
Recipe 2: 7 bay leaves + 30 g of fresh leaves boiled with fresh Ceremai AOR to the remaining 300cc 600cc. Strain and drink while warm, morning and afternoon masing2 150cc
Drug gastroenteritis: 30g + 30g fresh bay leaves with boiled dried bitter 600cc 300cc water until the remaining water, strain, add sugar cube, drink while warm masing2 150cc, drink morning and evening.
Hypertension Drugs / Lowering high blood pressure
70-10 bay leaves Wash thoroughly, then boiled in 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. Once cool, strain and filter drinking water 2 times a day, each 1 / 2 cup.
Eczema Drugs
Take 10 fresh bay leaves and 25 grams of turmeric. Mash until smooth, then add a little water and salt to taste. Apply on the skin of the sick.
Heartburn Medication
Fresh bay leaves as much as 15-20 sheets washed. Boil with 1 / 2 liter of water to boil for 15 minutes. Add palm sugar to taste. After chilling, drinking water as a tea. Do it every day until the pain and the existing full dilambung missing.
Drug Alcohol Hangover
Wash 1 handful of ripe fruit greeting thoroughly, then mash until smooth. Squeeze and strain, then drink the water collected at the same time
Scabies drug, itching
Wash the leaves, bark, stems, or roots regards as necessary until clean, then milled until a smooth dough, like porridge. Apply to the sore spot, then in the dressing.
Pharmacological effects and results of the use

Gas chromatography showed greetings contain essential oils and 28 gas components, one of eugenol. With thin-layer chromatography was concluded that essential oils of bay leaf seskuiterpen lactone-containing phenol. The smallest concentration of essential oils that could inhibit the growth of E. coli is 40%, while against S.aureus about 5% (Retno Sadewi, FF UGM, 1992)
Microbiological test using the disc method showed that the ethanol extract of leaves can, inhibit the growth of E. coli, Vibrio cholerae, Salmonella sp. but Enterobacter sp. are resistant. (Beni Wraman, JF FMIPA UNAND)
Bay leaf water extract has hypoglycemic effect (lowers blood sugar levels). In rats with diabetes mellitus who are not dependent on insulin (DMTTI), whereas in rats with diabetes mellitus insulin-dependent hypoglycemic effect is not visible. (Ni Putu Maryati, FF UGM, 1989).

Meniran leaf properties (Phillanthus Niruri Linn)

Meniran (Phylanthus urinary, Linn) is a wild plant that grow in damp places in lowland tropics. These plants grow in forests, gardens, fields and the home page. This plant is commonly considered weeds, but meniran plants can be used as traditional herbal medicine.

Chemical compounds contained in plant Meniran: Substance Filantin, Potassium, tanning substances, minerals, Damar.

Meniran can be used to cure jaundice (liver), Malaria, Fever, Ayan, cough, Haid more, dysentery, burns, sores sores, acne.

Utilization meniran:

Main Material: 16 Plants Meniran (roots, stems, leaves)
Additional Ingredients: 2 cups milk
How to: Plant meniran washed and finely ground and boiled with 2 cups water to boiling milk to 1 cup.
How to use: filtered and drunk at once; done every day.

Main Ingredients: 7 meniran plant stems (roots, stems and flowers)
Additional Ingredients: 7 pieces dried clove flower, 5 cm rhizome of ginger root, 1 piece of cinnamon
Method: All the material is boiled with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup
How to use: filtered and drink 2 times a day.

The main ingredient: 7 Trunk Meniran plant complete
Additional Ingredients: 5 dried clove flower seeds, 1 piece of cinnamon
Method: All the material is washed, then crushed
refined and boiled with 2 cups water to boil.
How to use: filtered and drink 2 times a day.

Main Ingredients: 17-21 meniran plant stems (roots, stems, leaves and flowers)
Method: material is washed, then boiled with 5 cups water to boil down to 2.5 cups.
How to use: filtered and drink 1 a day per day 3 / 4 cup for 3 consecutive days

The main ingredients: 3-7 complete meniran Plant stems (roots, stems, leaves and flowers)
Method: material is washed, then brewed with 1 cup hot water.
How to use: filtered, then drink as well.

Main Ingredients: 3-7 stems of plants complete meniran (roots, stems, leaves, flowers)
Additional Ingredients: Honey to taste.
Method: Material is washed, then finely ground and boiled with 3 tablespoons of cooking water, the results were mixed with 1 tablespoon honey until evenly distributed.
How to use: drink one time and made 2 times a day

Excessive Menstruation
Main Ingredients: 3-7 pieces of dried root Meniran
Additional Ingredients: 1 cup water tajan
Method: material finely ground and boiled with 2 cups water to boiling, then added with starch 1 cup water and stir until blended.
How to use: filtered and drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.

Main Material: 17 complete meniran plant stems (roots, stems, leaves and flowers)
Method: boiled in 3 cups water to boiling
How to use: filtered and drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.

Taxable Fire Burn or Hot Water
Main Ingredients: 3-7 stems of plants complete meniran (roots, stems, leaves and flowers)
Additional Ingredients: 1 bulb ginger rhizome (4 cm), 3 pieces of dried clove flower, a piece of wood sugar.
Method: The main ingredient of finely ground, and sliced ​​ginger. Then mixed with other ingredients and boil with 3 cups water to boil.

Wound scab
Main Ingredients: 9-15 rod complete meniran (roots, stems, leaves and flowers)
Method: Clean and wash Primary Materials finely ground. Then boiled in a kettle of water.
How to use: in the warm state is used for bathing.

Main Ingredients: 7 Trunk meniran plant
Additional Ingredients: 1 rhizome turmeric root (4 cm)
Method: All the materials are washed thoroughly and pounded into powder, then boiled with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup.
How to use: filtered and drunk all at once, repeat regularly every day.

properties of leaf cat whiskers (Orthosiphon Grandiflora Bold)

Plants cat's whiskers plant is a bush-shaped and can reach 1.5 meters high. These plants can grow in dry or wet at an altitude of 700 meters above sea level. Plants have a cat's whiskers spurs egg-shaped leaves, serrated leaves rough edges. The flowers resemble a cat's whiskers (this may be why this plant is called cat's whiskers) that issued the stamens and pistils are white and purple.

These plants proved to have some efficacy to cure various diseases. This is because the cat's whiskers leaves contain high levels of potassium (boorsma) is quite high. It also contains glycosides orthosiphonin believed to dissolve uric acid, phosphate and oxalate from the body. Especially from the bladder, gall bladder and kidneys.

Cat's whiskers plant flower is earning in bunches at the end of branching out. The color is pale purple or white. Stamens longer than the flower tube. Fruits such as fruit cat whiskers and oval boxes. These plants can be propagated by seeds or stem cuttings.

Herbaceous plants are sweet yet slightly bitter. Herbaceous plants are cat's whiskers can be used to treat a number of diseases are acute and chronic kidney infections, arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes, bladder stones and bladder infections.

Here are potions of cat's whiskers:

  • ·         To treat kidney infections and hypertension (high blood pressure)
Wash 30 grams of fresh herbs cat's whiskers, herb leaves and grass snake tongue spoon. Boiled in 3 cups of water until the only remaining one cup. Once cool, strain the water and then drink half a glass twice a day.

  • ·         To treat urinary tract infections, frequent urination (volume a bit and Anyang-anyangan)
Fresh herb leaves the cat's whiskers, and reeds meniran each 30 grams of washed thoroughly. The material is cut into pieces and boil in 3 cups of water until the remaining half. After a cold and then filtered and then drink half a glass each 3 times a day.

  • ·    To treat bladder stones
90 grams of herbs cat's whiskers is washed and boiled in a liter of water until boiling and the remaining 750 cc. Once cool, drink as much as three times a day each third section. Drink this concoction until healed.

leaf properties dadap serep (Erythirna lithsperma M.)

Ingredients and Benefits:
The leaves contain alkaloids dadap serep that are cool and anti-inflammatory. Bark thin the phlegm efficacious.

1. fever
Leather and young branches dadap spare squeezed, a little fennel and pulosari brewed with 1 cup water. Drink this concoction 2x a day.
2. childbed fever
Some of the young leaves pounded dadap spare, then boreh to the stomach. Do this 2x a day.
3. swollen
Dadap spare some leaves pounded, then boreh to the swelling. Do it as often as possible.
4. ASI launched
Some leaves dadap serep kneaded. And brewed with 1 cup water. Drink this mixture daily 1x
5. headache
Dadap spare some leaves crushed, then used as boreh to the forehead
6. preventing Miscarriage
Dadap spare some leaves pounded, then used as boreh thick on the belly. Replace this mixture 3 times a day.
7. stomach Heartburn
Method I: dadap serep withered leaves on the fire, put on her stomach.
Method II: Some of the leaf blade dadap spare, a few leaves crushed with a duck bill was given little water. Then, boreh this herb to the stomach.

The benefits of purslane leaves (Potulaca Oleracea)
Purslane a high trunk plants approximately 20 cm. The trunk is very small and very soft. The leaves are also very small. Most measuring 2 X 1 ½ cm. Stems and branches red. Leaves, stems and branches that quickly boiled soft and sour.
1. Stems and leaves of purslane berhasiat: to treat diarrhea, reduce the heat loss, and treating stomach ulcers
2. To treat an aneurysm.
3. To facilitate defecation.

Benefits leaves Brotowali (Tinospora L. T. Rumphii Boerl)

Latin name:
Tinospora tuberculata Beumee
Area Name:
Antawali, bratawali, putrawali, leaves gadel (Java); Andawali (Sunda), Antawali (Bali); Shen jin teng (Chinese).
Grows wild in the woods and in fields
Commonly planted as a medicinal plant. Love the hot spot, including shrubs, climbing, stem height to 2.5 m. Trunk of the little finger, berbintil-nodule bitter meeting. Single leaves, stemmed, heart-shaped or somewhat budar eggs pointy toes, long 7-12 cm, wide 5-10 cm. Flowers small, light green, pseudo-shaped bunches. Propagated by cuttings.
Brotowali Ingredients:
Antipiretikum; tonic; Antiperiodikum; diuretikum; antidiabetic
Efficacy Brotowali:
Efficacy Bratawali (brotowali) is as painkillers (Analgesic), fever (antipyretic), launched a meridian. CHEMISTRY CONTENT: Alkaloid, soft resin, starch, glycosides pikroretosid, bitter substances pikroretin, Harsha, berberine and palmatin. The root contains the alkaloid berberine and kolumbin.
Traditional recipes Brotowali:
Rheumatik: 1 finger sticks brotowali washed and cut into pieces as needed, boiled in 3 cups water to a 1 1 / 2 cup. After chilling filtered, added honey to taste, drink. One day 3 x 1 / 2 cup.
Yellow fever (icteric): 1 finger sticks brotowali washed and cut into pieces, boiled in 3 cups water to a 1 1 / 2 cup. Taken with honey to taste. A day 2 x 3 / 4 cup.
Fever: 2 finger sticks brotowali boiled with 2 cups of water, up to 1 cup. Once cool, drunk with honey to taste. 2x a day 1 / 2 cup.
Diabetes: 1 / 3 handheld bitter leaf, 1 / 3 handheld leaf cat whiskers, 3 / 4 finger ± 6 cm stem brotowali washed and cut into pieces, boiled in 3 cups of water up to 2 cups. Taken after meals, 2 X 1 glass a day.
Mange (scabies): 3 finger sticks brotowali, sulfur of hazelnut, washed and finely ground, kneaded with coconut oil as necessary. Used to lubricate the skin is attacked scabies. Day 2 x.
injury  : Leaves brotowali finely ground, put on the wound, replaced 2 times per day. To wash wounds, use boiled water brotowali stem.

properties of leaves of the gods (Gynura Procumbens Merr)

Latin name:
Gynura segetum (Lour.) Merr.

Area Name:
Beluntas china, god leaves (Sumatra), Samsit; San qi cao (China).

Generally planted dipekarangan as planting drugs.

Terna annual, erect, ± 50 cm high, usually planted dipekarangan as planting drugs. Young stems green with elongated grooves tengguli colors, if somewhat old highly branched. Single leaf, having stalks, ovoid to round shape lengthwise. Melancip end. Old leaves deeply divided. Leaves mostly clustered at the bottom, rather rare on the tip of the stem, alternate location. Both surfaces of leaves hair soft, white color. The color of the leaf surface dark green, light green bottom. Leaves 8-20 cm long. width of 50-10 cm. Flowers is located at the end of the rod, hump-shaped yellow color (flower heads). Bulbs have to ash-gray in color, 3-6 cm long., With the cross section of ± 3 cm.

Leaf content of Gods:
Saponins, essential oils, flavonoids.

Daun Dewa Usefulness:
These herbs have anti-coagulant (dilute blood clot), stimulate circulation, stop bleeding, remove heat, cleanse toxins. In Chinese pharmacology mentioned this plant has a distinctive taste and neutral nature.

Daun Dewa Traditional Recipes:
4 g of fresh leaves of the gods; Roots daruju 7 g; Herba parasite 3 g; 120 ml of water, crushed; plus boiling water; filtered, Taken once a day 100 ml; for 30 days.
High blood pressure:
3-7 strands of fresh leaves of the gods; young noni fruit 1 fruit; 110 ml water, brewed, drink 1-2 times a day 100 ml; for 1 month.
God leaves 5 ​​pieces; 110 ml water, brewed, Taken 1 times a day 100 ml.
Cleansing the wound:
God leaves to taste; Enough water, finely ground leaves god then introduced into the water, dirty wounds are put in water mixed with leaves of the gods.