Properties of roots

efficacy of ginger ( Zingiber officinale Rose)

Ginger as Medicine Practical
Ginger is a natural pain reliever and can relieve pain
rheumatism, headaches, and migraine. The trick, drink ginger wedang 3 times

a day. It could also drink the water round, suck ginger candy, or

add ginger when the soup, stew, or rendang.

Ginger leaves are also nutritious, among others, with crushed and given little water can
used as a compress on headache medicine and can be rubbed into the face

people who are shivering.

While the rhizome crushed and boiled in water
boil for about ½ hour, then water can be drunk as a medicine

to strengthen digestion and expel gas in it, treat liver

swollen, cough and fever.

To treat rheumatoid arthritis prepare 1 or 2 ginger rhizome. Heat the rhizome
above the fire or coals and then crushed. Paste in the collision ginger

rheumatism sore body parts. Another way is to grind with cloves,

and placed on the body of rheumatism.

Ginger can also be used to treat wounds because of blisters, stabbed a sharp object,
exposed spines, falling, and snake bites. The trick crushed red ginger rhizome and

add a little salt. Put on the injured body part.

Mashed rhizomes can also be used as a liniment to itch because

insect stings.

Rhizome pounded, with a little salt, then placed on
poisonous snake bite wound (only as first aid before the patient

taken to the doctor).

caused by free radicals in the body.

Ginger as Medicine Practical
Ginger is a natural pain reliever and can relieve pain
rheumatism, headaches, and migraine. The trick, drink ginger wedang 3 times

a day. It could also drink the water round, suck ginger candy, or

add ginger when the soup, stew, or rendang.

Ginger leaves are also nutritious, among others, with crushed and given little water can
used as a compress on headache medicine and can be rubbed into the face

people who are shivering.

While the rhizome crushed and boiled in water
boil for about ½ hour, then water can be drunk as a medicine

to strengthen digestion and expel gas in it, treat liver

swollen, cough and fever.

To treat rheumatoid arthritis prepare 1 or 2 ginger rhizome. Heat the rhizome
above the fire or coals and then crushed. Paste in the collision ginger

rheumatism sore body parts. Another way is to grind with cloves,

and placed on the body of rheumatism.

Ginger can also be used to treat wounds because of blisters, stabbed a sharp object,
exposed spines, falling, and snake bites. The trick crushed red ginger rhizome and

add a little salt. Put on the injured body part.

Mashed rhizomes can also be used as a liniment to itch because

insect stings.

Rhizome pounded, with a little salt, then placed on
poisonous snake bite wound (only as first aid before the patient

taken to the doctor).

efficacy Sand ginger (Kampfera Galanga L.)
Many of the materials around us who can be used as family medicine, to lose weight, fattening the body and various other benefits as a natural medicine / herbal. Here are concatenated I would write a traditional medicinal plant from which the material is all around us: herbs and ornamental plants: kencur, turmeric, ginger, tread virgin flower, jasmine, flowers and much tai kotok reply can be used as traditional medicine to cure various diseases .

Powder Plant - Kaempferia galanga

The first time I discussed about kencur plants.
Powder (Kaempferia galanga, Linn) or its local name in masing2 following areas: Cikur (Sunda), Ceuko (Aceh); Kencor (Madura), Cekuh (Bali), Powder, Sukung (Minahasa); Asauli, sauleh, soul, umpa or cangkor (Ambon), Cekir (Sumba). Other names: Lesser galangal or Alpinia officinarum (Synonym Languas officinarum), Sand ginger, Aromatic Ginger or Resurrection Lily.

Discover Natural Medicine, Practical and Efficacious without side effects

I love this plant and plant it in the yard or potted as an ornamental plant because the flowers and leaves are also beautiful as an ornamental plant. Powder easily planted, you should take the time to plant kencur in the yard or if there is not wrote in a pot plant pages.
Kencur not need extra care. Simply plant the rhizome / rhizomenya into the ground in the open, not too wet. Soil with a water stagnant kencur disfavor. Powder will be fertile and good growth in the rainy season.
In addition to flavor dishes such as ointment, Karedok, and more, kencur can be used as traditional medicine to cure this beikut penyakit2:

Influenza natural medicines and cough in infants
1 rhizome kencur of your thumb and 2 bay leaves
cubeb (pepper caudate / Cubeb) finely crushed, add a few tablespoons of warm water. Spread around each baby's nose.
For cough: kencur skin is cleaned, shredded and squeezed, take the juice, add 1 tablespoon of warm water, drenched to the baby (this is for infants to eat solid foods sdh yes, if that still exclusively breastfed only give ation alone, or 1 drop of juice mixed with milk kencur )
Child Ear Inflammation
2 rhizome kencur of your thumb and ½ finely ground nutmeg seed, was given two tablespoons of warm water and smeared around each nose.

Cough Medicine
1 rhizome kencur of thumb grated, then add 1 cup warm water, squeezed and strained, add salt to taste. Warm drink 1 - 3 times / day.
It could also chew kencur fresh (if it smells strong and resistant Pedes kencur), chewable wrote kencur and sucked the juice, the waste is disposed. Very powerful, sy always use this way.

Stomach Inflammation Drugs and colds.
For gastroenteritis: 2 rhizome kencur of your thumb. cleaned and chewed like to cough, the waste is dumped and then drink a glass of water. Perform routine every day until cured.
For colds: kencur eaten with salt, like fresh vegetables and drink a glass of water. Do it morning and night.

Herb for weight loss / slimming.
2 rhizome kencur cleaned, shredded, take the juice, add honey. Drinking regularly morning and night. It's been a friend and successfully tested.

Headache natural remedy
2-3 bay leaves until finely kencur, applied as a compress / pilis on the forehead.

Diarrhea medication
2 rhizome grated kencur of thumb, add 1 cup warm water and salt to taste, squeezed and filtered. Apply on the stomach as a powder pilis / compress.

Eliminates Tired.
1 big rhizome kencur, 2 tablespoons rice fried without oil (couple) and 1 red chili pepper seeds. All the ingredients are boiled together with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup, and then filtered.
Drink all at once and repeated until healed. For men can be added with 1 piece of ginger pepper to taste.

Eliminating Dirty Blood
4 kencur rhizome of thumb, trengguli 2 bay leaves, 2 cloves dried beans, fennel pulawaras taste.
All the ingredients are boiled together with 1 liter of water until boiling and then filtered. Drink 2 times a day regularly.

Streamlining menstruation herb
2 rhizome kencur of thumb, 1 sheet trengguli leaf, 1 clove old fruit seeds, fennel pulawaras taste.
How: kencur chopped, then mixed with other ingredients and boil with 3 cups water to boil down to 2 cups, then filtered.
Drink once a day 2 cups at once.

Aching eyes
1 piece of rhizome kencur split into 2 parts. Surfaces are still wet used to rub the eyelid.

Poultice for Sprain
1 rhizome kencur and rice soaked in water. Both materials are crushed with water. Apply / digosokan on the part of the sprain as parem / powder.

Cardamom (Amomum cardamomum)

Cardamom (Amomum cardamomum) is known as a spice for cooking and also more widely used for medicinal mixture. In some areas known as kapol cardamom, palago, karkolaka, and others.

The Chinese call it until thou kou (Chinese language). The Greeks used to call cardamomom dilatinkan later by the Romans into cardamomum. In English is called cardamom. In the Thai language called krava, elaichi in Hindi, and elakkaai in Tamil.

Cardamom originally found growing naturally in Malabar Mountains region, west coast of India. Since the behavior in the world market, then widely grown in Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Guatemala. In Indonesia began to be cultivated since 1986.

In later trading cardamom varieties also offer other high mountains of Mysore (India) is the fruit lonjongnya more rounded, and is preferred because it is more delicious. In contrast to the bunches Malabar cardamom flowers creeping, bunches of flowers grow upright Mysore cardamom.

Cardamom plants are herbs that form clumps, shaped like a ginger plant, and can reach a height of 2-3 meters. at large cardamom grown in forests that are still dense. Cardamom thrive at an altitude of 200-1000 meters above sea level.

Cardamom plants originally was wild, but is now cultivated as cardamom spice. This wet trunked plants have leaves that wrapped stems berpelepah trunk. Location of alternate leaves interspersed. This plant flowers arranged in a cluster out of the rhizome.

The fruit is oval, hairy, yellow and gray. The fruit is gathered in small bunches and short. When ripe, the fruit will burst and split based on space-space. Inside are seeds that elongated oval.

Cardamom fruit at the age of 3 years. Cardamom fruit came from the pseudo-stem near the ground, and creeping along tandannya a 1 m long, to the surrounding soil. In order not to be splashed dirty ground when it rains, farmers are owners slipped a sheet of plastic as a base under the fruit bunches.

1 cm long oval fruits are three-sided when it was plucked plump, contained dense, half-baked. The color green is turning green. Was dark green. When changing the color that's very pleasant smell.

In India, the fruit is dried, sorted according to size and color. Fruit that has been colored yellow as the color of straw, fruit packaged as a ready sale, while the yellow will not dipucatkan first with sulfur vapor. Maintenance of quality is what makes India a leading exporter of cardamom is favored by everyone.

Dried fruit that has become wrinkled, striped, containing 4-7 small grain seeds reddish brown. It's a bit spicy like ginger, but the smell is not.

Local cardamom is a lowland plant. Cardamom can only grow well and produce optimal land with an altitude ranging from 0 up to 700 meters above sea level (m asl). Conversely, cardamom Sabrang it would only grow well in the plateau ranging from 700 up to 1,500 m. asl.

What also distinguishes the local with cardamom cardamom is the fruit Sabrang. Local cardamom fruit grown in the form attached dompolan on the ground. Dompolan each containing between 10 to 20 grains of the fruit. Local cardamom fruit is round. About 1 cm in diameter. Within the fruit there are segments that are separate and contain a grain of seed. otherwise it is productivity. Local cardamom intercropping cropping systems with 1400 populations of plants per hectare, will be able to produce about 2.8 sd. 3 tons of fruit per year wet. While cardamom Sabrang var. Malabar higher at 4.2 up to 4.5 tonnes per hectare per year. While var. mysore only about 2 tons per hectare per year. Until that has been more developed by our farmers only var. Malabar.

Local cardamom has been able to produce at the age of 1.5 years after planting with seedling good. While Sabrang cardamom, Malabar and mysore either just beginning to bear fruit at the age of 2 years. Local cardamom prices are always cheaper than Sabrang cardamom. Normally prices Sabrang cardamom cardamom three times more than local.

Utilization of local cardamom in part to the pharmaceutical industry and partly as a culinary ingredient. In addition to culinary and pharmaceutical industries, cardamom is also an ingredient of essential oils and oleoresin.

In international trade, cardamom oil known as Oil Cardamon. True Ingredients Cardamon Oil is terpenes, terpeneol and sineol. While False Cardamon Oil besides containing the three ingredients were still there and kamfernya berneol content.

Cardamom Fruit Benefits

Seeds taken from plants before the fruit is ripe, can be used as a drug. In the world of medicine that has been dried beans called cardamomi cement. In addition to seeds, which are used for medicine are the roots, fruit, and trunk.

Cardamom contains essential oils, sineol, terpineol, borneol, proteins, sugars, fats, silicates, betakamfer, sebinena, mirkena, mirtenal, karvona, terpinil acetate, and grit. The content of cardamom has efficacy as cough medicine. Cardamom also have the efficacy to prevent bone loss.

Cardamom has a pleasant aroma that people England flattering as grains of paradise. This delicious aroma of essential oils derived from the content of the cardamom. Essential oils contain five primary substances, namely borneol (a terpene) that smells like camphor tree sap that smelled of camphor.

Some manufacturers also spice essential oils extracted from cardamom seeds into Cardamom oil which is then packaged in a bottle. In this same form of oil, cardamom is used for soft drinks and tasty ice cream factory in America.

Potential Cardamom Fruit Products

The forest villages of farmers in the village of Loano Purworejo District District Sedayu now benefit from the cardamom plant. This type of spice crops are planted only once and can be harvested several times each month. Dried cardamom prices reach Rp 40 thousand per kilogram, while the wet cardamom reach USD 8 thousand per kilogram. In addition, treatment of these plants are not too complicated, even most of the sideline activities mother-housewife.

After harvest, these plants will continue to bear fruit, "said village head (Kadesh) Sedayu Drs Kosim in his village. It is said, the cardamom seeds help farmers take advantage of the Forestry Agency of Central Java, planted in intercropping in forest land Perhutanioffice Pemangkuan Unity Forest (KPH) South Kedu, the swath 100 B

Resort Pemangkuan Forest (RPH) Katerban, which borders on the edge DIY Kulonprogo Northwest District. Planted in an area of ​​approximately 25 hectares. Of seed aid received in 2007, according to Kosim, now it can be harvested with the crop once every month.

Cardamom cultivation activities involved about 98 people from about 354 farmers belonging to the Forest Village Community Institution (LMDH) Sedyo Rahayu. In addition as a side activity, the plant species is also easy perawatanya cardamom.

It is also recognized Sutrisno (34) one local farmer. Even thought, the maintenance of this plant is not too difficult. "Most just cleaning the grass that grows around tananam accompanied fertilization"

Cultivation of cardamom is also as an organic fertilizer program undertaken by the farmers. They use manure and household compost to fertilize these plants. Cardamom can flourish in the shade or under a wooden stand Perhutani, which is mostly pine plantation

Cardamom is only going to grow well under shade. Commodity is suitable for development as a crop in orchards intercropped perennials. For example in the teak forests, coffee plantations, cocoa, banana, orange and others that the bottom tegakannya still receive little sunlight.

Oil palm and rubber for example, it is difficult to be intercropped cardamom because it is very tight editorial. Can also cardamom ditumpangsarikan with bananas. One line of banana plants interspersed with one line of cardamom plants. For the auspices of cardamom can be selected lamtoro, gliricidia, Kaliandra, albisia or dadap. Despite ditumpangsarikan with bananas, if not given a specific shade, cardamom growth will not be optimal.

By way of intercropping planting, one hectare of land can be filled with a banana or an annual crop of 300 to 400 trees and kapulaganya about 1,400 up to 1,500 families. Banana plants, after the age of one year, every year can be harvested twice each single bunches @ 15 kg. per clump. Bararti of bananas will get the results between 9 to 12 tons of fruit. With the price per kg to Rp 500, - (in Java) from one hectare of land then it will get the results of intercropping Rp 4.500.000, - to Rp 6.000.000, -

If the cardamom grown locally (the height of land below 700 m asl), then the result is a clump of 2 kg of fruit per year or 0.5 wet dry cardamom. Means from each hectare with a population of 1400 to 1,500 local families will get the results cardamom 2.8 ton - 3 ton wet fruit or 560 kg - 600 kg. Cardamom dried fruit (dried fruit weight ± 20% of wet weight of fruit). With the price of Rp 20,000, - per kg, then the result between $ 11.2 million sampaiRp 12 million per hectare per year.