How to Prevent and Cure Disease Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever disease prevalent in Indonesia. Even in the capital Jakarta was often the case. The disease is highly lethal. It is therefore important for us to know the causes, prevention, and alsohow to cure.
Disease Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) spread by the Aedesmosquito that has bitten Aegepty and suck the blood of patients withDHF. If a mosquito bites you, then you can catch the diseasedengue. Ciri2 this mosquito is the color of the legs and body putih-hitam/bergaris-garis Belan.
How to prevent it is to not let the water / rain pooled in the tub old,tires, cans, or sewer. Give sewers / drains around your house to turn off jentik-jentik/larva abate dengue fever. Drain your tub once a week.

The characteristics of dengue fever or fever horse saddle

Day 1-3 Phase High Fever
Sudden high feversevere headache and accompaniedpainbehind the eyesbody aches and painand nausea / vomiting,sometimes accompanied by red spots on the skin.
Day 4-5 Critical Phase
Phase of the fever dropped precipitously and often misleading ashealing occurs.
But this is a critical phase of the possibility of "Dengue ShockSyndrome"
Day 6-7 The Healing Phase
Phase high fever returned as part of the healing phase reaction.
Heat Rate Down Drugs such as Tempra or Panadol to anak2 for adultsCarefully choose a fever medicationmake sure containsparacetamol (read the packaging)
If the fever does not go down after the first day of the drug,immediately check to ensure dengue blood.
If positiveimmediately brought to the hospital.
According to the modern treatment of DHF is no cureMost justgiven intravenouslyTherefore, additional measures need to bedone because some people are treated in hospitals are not necessarily incurable.
Give drink plenty to avoid dehydrationFor adults is about 20 cups /dayIf the strong side / no ulcer, can be given Pocari Sweat orCoconut Water.
Plenty to eat while sickTry to eat green bean porridgechickenporridgeetc.To treat nausea medication can Primperan.
Drink 2 tablespoons of honey and palm juice 2-3 hours to increaseyour staminaGod's Word is medicine honeyThere was a Hindugod think of honey as a medicine. According to modern studies of honey also contains antioxidants and is also antibacterial which is not inferior to modern chemical drugs.

For alternative medicine can be taken the Red Guava Juice andChinese medicine also Angkak.
In Is-net mailing listthere are two friends who, though not go to thehospital, but thank God survived by drinking and eating well andtaking alternative medicine page.
I've also read Kathur cleric wrote that when he got fever, he wasreckless cupping, and thank God healed herMay seemunreasonableBut I see it, for has not come out with blood, bloodvolume DBD that remainThe proof of my brother's blood pressuregot the time critical phase remained normal at 120Just HBnyalevels are low. With dibekamlow blood theoretically HBnya issuedwithin 3 days and the body to produce new, fresh blood with anormal HB levelsThis just needs more research!

Sources* Peters HGilles Wool Tropical Medicine &Parasitology.3rd LondonMedical Publications1991 p.16 * WHO,Dengue hemorrhagic fever diagnosistreatmentprevention andcontrol Geneva WHO1997; p.25, 68

Scarlet feverFrom Indonesian Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThis is the version that has been examined from this page (+)This is the stable version, checked on 3 November 2010. There is a pending change awaiting review.Accuracy unexaminedJump to: navigation, searchStar of life caution.svgWikipedia Indonesia can not be responsible and can not guarantee that the medical information provided on this page is correct.Ask the opinion of professional medical personnel prior to treatment.Question book-new.pngThis article needs more footnotes to verifiability.Please help improve this article by adding footnotes.Dengue fever virusScientific classificationRegnum: Virus(Not ranked) virus (+) ssRNAFamily: FlaviviridaeGenus: FlavivirusSpecies: Dengue VirusDengue fever (DB) or dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) are acute febrile diseases, found in the tropics, with a geographical spread similar to malaria. The disease is caused by one of the four virus serotypes of the genus Flavivirus, family Flaviviridae. Each serotype is sufficiently different that no cross-protection and epidemics caused by multiple serotypes (hiperendemisitas) can occur.Dengue fever is spread to humans by the mosquito Aedes aegypti.Table of contents[Hide]* 1 Signs and symptoms* 2 Diagnosis* 3 Prevention* 4 Treatment* 5 Epidemiology* 6 External links[Edit] Signs and symptomsDengue VirusDisease is manifested by the emergence of continuous high fever, accompanied by signs of bleeding, such as rash. Scarlet fever rash discrete bright red. In addition to the signs and symptoms are abdominal pain, nausea, thrombocytopenia, hemoconcentration, severe headache, pain in joints (arthralgia), muscle pain (myalgia).A small number of cases can lead to dengue shock syndrome who have a high mortality rate. This alert condition needs to be addressed with a broad knowledge of the patient and family should immediately consult a physician if the patient / patient experienced high fever 3 days in a row. Many patients or families of patients experienced a fatal condition for making light of these symptoms.After the shoot / incubation for 3-15 days the infected person may have / have had it in one of the following four forms:* The form abortive, a patient does not feel any symptoms.* Classic dengue, the patient experienced high fever for 4-7 days, pains in the bones, followed by the appearance of spots or patches of bleeding under the skin.* Dengue haemorrhagic fever (dengue hemorrhagic fever / DHF) symptoms are similar to classic dengue plus bleeding from the nose (epistaxis / nose bleeds), oral, anal, etc..* Dengue Shock Syndrome, its symptoms are similar to the DBD coupled with the shock / presyok. This form often leads to death.Because of frequent bleeding and shock, then the disease death rate is quite high, therefore any patient suspected of having dengue fever in any level should be immediately taken to the doctor or hospital, given at any time can go into shock / death.Dengue fever is generally the length of about six or seven days with a smaller peak of fever occurred at the end of the fever. Clinically, the platelet count will drop until the patient is considered afebril.[Edit] DiagnosisDiagnosis of dengue fever usually done clinically. Usually what happens is the source of infection in the absence of fever, rash with thrombocytopenia and leukopenia petekial relative.Serology and polymerase chain reaction is available to confirm the diagnosis of dengue if clinically indicated.Diagnosing dengue fever can reduce the risk of early death than waiting for acute.[Edit] PreventionThere are no commercially available vaccine for dengue fever.Primary prevention of dengue fever lies in eliminating or reducing the mosquito vector of dengue fever. Initiatives to remove pools of water that is not useful (eg in a flower pot) has proven useful to control the diseases caused by mosquitoes, drain the tub once every week, and throw things - things that can cause dengue fever mosquito Aedes aegypti.Things to do to maintain health in order to avoid dengue fever, as follows:A. Doing good habits, like eating a nutritious diet, regular exercise and adequate rest;2. Entered a period of transition, note the cleanliness of the neighborhood and do 3M, which drain the tub, closed container that can hold water, and bury the used goods that may become a hotbed of development of mosquito larva, even though buried in used goods not good, because it may cause soil pollution. Will be better when used goods are recycled;3. Fogging or fumigation will only kill adult mosquitoes, while abate powder will kill larvae in the water. Both must be done to break the chains of mosquito breeding;4. Immediately give the heat to a fever-lowering drugs if the patient has a fever or high temperature[Edit] TreatmentThe most important part of treatment is supportive therapy. The patients were advised to keep the absorption of food, especially in liquid form. If it can not be done, with the addition of intravenous fluids may be needed to prevent excessive dehydration and hemoconcentration. Platelet transfusion is performed if the platelet count dropped dramatically. Alternative medicine is commonly known by drinking guava leaf extract. Referring to the results of research cooperation and BPOM Unair Faculty of Medicine, guava leaf extract can inhibit the growth of dengue virus. Materials also increased platelets without side effects. People should pay attention to this important information. Based on the cooperation in pre-clinical trials Airlangga University School of Medicine, Surabaya, East Java and the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) that was launched in Jakarta, Wednesday (10/3) afternoon, confirmed guava leaf extract can inhibit the growth of dengue virus causesdengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). Material was also able to increase platelet counts to 100 thousand per cubic millimeter with no side effects. This increase is expected to be achieved within eight to 48 hours after consumption of guava leaf extract. [Citation needed][Edit] EpidemiologyThe first outbreak occurred in 1780's simultaneously in Asia, Africa, and North America. The disease is then recognized and named in 1779. Of the global outbreak began in Southeast Asia in the 1950s and until 1975 dengue has become a leading cause of death of which occurred in children in the area. Hemorrhagic Fever: Symptoms and How to PreventMay 30, 2009Rainy season, as now the climate is very conducive for mosquito breeding, plus more with the pattern of our lives that much of a healthy lifestyle. One of the diseases caused by mosquito bites is Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). DHF is caused by a virus transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes Aegypty. Mosquitoes are not sesahabat name, so we can bite directly contracted dengue. Aedes mosquitoes Aegypt possess striped black and white stripes on its body (not red white you know ..), and bite in the morning and evening, sometimes also during ...... One mosquito can infect more than one person in a short time, and unfortunately we can be infected with dengue more than once.Symptoms of Dengue FeverComplaints and symptoms are often experienced by patients with DHF are:A. Red spots, often at the beginning of fever, no red spots. There are some cases that are no red spots.2. High heat, heat can go up and down, or may not go down at all throughout the day.3. Chills and bone ache, feeling cold all over his body and there are certain points on the body piercing bones ache.4. Toilet is black and hard, these symptoms have started to be seen if a low platelet5. Platelets began to fall, levels of platelets can be identified by blood tests in the laboratory.6. Pain when the eye could see to the side, some friends had this pain when glancing left and right side.7. Neck pain, sometimes also, swelling and pain in the neck8. Severe headaches, particularly felt in the back of the eye, colds and flu9. Inflammation of the joints10. Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea11. Fatigue, weakness, lethargy12. In patients who have severe usually caused pendarahanpada mouth and noseAfter the shoot / incubation lasted for 3-15 days, infected people can have / have had it in one of the following four forms, namely:* The form abortive, a patient does not feel any symptoms.* Classic dengue, the patient experienced high fever for 4-7 days, pains in the bones, followed by the appearance of spots or patches of bleeding under the skin.* Dengue haemorrhagic fever (dengue hemorrhagic fever / DHF) symptoms are similar to classic dengue plus bleeding from the nose, mouth, anus and so on.* Dengue Shock Syndrome, its symptoms are similar to the DBD coupled with the shock / presyok in this common form of death.Because of frequent bleeding and shock, then the disease death rate is quite high, therefore any patient suspected of having dengue fever disease in any level should be immediately taken to the doctor or hospital, given at any time can go into shock / death.Dengue Prevention MethodPrevention is by avoiding mosquito bites throughout the day (dawn to dusk) because aedes mosquito is active during the day (not night). This can be done to avoid being in the locations that a lot of mosquitoes during the day, especially in areas with its DBD. If it is necessary to be in place Wear clothes that MORE CLOSED, long pants and long sleeve shirt for example. USE A LIQUID / CREAM ANTI MOSQUITO (MOSQUITO repellant) that are sold in stores, on the body that are not covered clothes.Keep an eye on the environment in the home and yard. Discard or store up useless objects that hold water, or store in such a way that does not hold water. Sprinkle the powder abate (which can be purchased at pharmacies) in the bath and other water collection points, also in the trenches / ditches in and around the home, especially when the ditch water is not / less flow. Pond / aquarium without fish should not be left blank, fill it with mosquito larvae-eating fish. Spray parts of the house and yard which is where mosquitoes berkeliarannya, with mosquito spray (which are sold in stores) MOSQUITO LOOKS WHEN MORNING roam / AFTERNOON / EVENING DAY.If there was one occupant in a positive or suspected of having dengue, immediately spray the whole house and yard with mosquito spray in the morning, afternoon and evening, even if the patient is already hospitalized. Contact your local health center to ask for fogging in homes in the local environment.Prevention in bulk in the local environment by working with the RT / RW / Village with the local health center is done by cleaning Sarang Mosquitoes (PSN), Fogging, or break the chain of Aedes aegypti breeding in Abatisasi.(From various sources)
Dengue Fever Treatment MethodMay 30, 2009Endemic dengue can occur anywhere. Unhealthy lifestyle and do not clean and tend to let garbage pile up everywhere more increase the risk of mosquito breeding aides well. In addition, the conditions of tropical Indonesia and with fairly high rainfall makes the DBD as a disease that needs to be aware of.In many cases, DHF often lead to death. The number of deaths that occur often due to ignorance and lampannya handling of the patient so the patient was taken to the hospital his condition was severe.Actually there is no specific treatment or vaccine for dengue fever. If you think someone hit by dengue fever, give them as much fluid as possible, take them to the nearest health center, and keep them from mosquitoes to avoid others affected as well. The disease can take up to 10 days, and recovery can take maktu 1 week to 4 weeks.Treatment for this disease is primarily intended to control bleeding, prevent / resolve the situation shock / presyok, namely to try to get people with lots of drinking, if necessary to the provision of intravenous fluids.Fever down with cold compresses cultivated, or giving antipiretika If you experience prolonged high fever (more than 1 day) and not cured by taking medicine, try to go to the nearest hospital and check your blood. If you find your platelets are at the lower limit of normal (normal range: 150000-500000), be careful.There are ways that can be taken without having to be hospitalized, but it takes a strong will to do so. The way it is as follows:A. Drink water at least 20 medium-sized glasses per day (more is better)2. Try to reduce the heat by drinking febrifuge3. Some friends and doctors recommend drinking additional ion (but many do not advise it)4. Other beverages are recommended: guava juice to enhance platelet (some are suggested: red yeast rice leaves, guava leaves, etc.)5. Eat nutritious foods and try to eat the quantity that many (though usually interest in food will decrease drastically).Actually, all the above efforts aim to increase body resistance against dengue fever, dengue fever because it basically does not need a particular drug (and indeed there is no cure for it).Endurance can be seen from the number of leukocytes in the blood.When the leukocytes began to increase (improve), then usually platelets, which then increases.If you are able to do no.1 of the above with no less effort at all, you do not need to go to hospital for hospitalization (save it?)If we are hospitalized, consider drugs that are served, as there is no cure for dengue fever (except fever). Infusion is needed, but do not ever want to be given antibiotics (unless there are other diseases).Tablets are usually given vitamin.Note also the results of the lab every day. Actually, if the platelets have increased over the lower limit of normal (platelets graph does not go down again), had normal body heat (36'C-37'C), blood pressure (tension) normal, a sign that you have started to recover, and you have can ask the doctor for outpatient care. While at home, trying to drink as much water must occur.(From various sources) .. I want to share first about dengue because a few years ago, precisely in 2007 I had suffered from dengue fever in Bandung .. hehee .. I have had it on when I received in the Unpad past SNCA path. luckily when I have had it, my Father was in Bandung. at the time, my Father was the one who take care of the registration fee at that campus. Initially I could just feel dizzy or unwell in ga says so, then two days later I had a fever accompanied by vomiting ... Looking at my situation like this, My father took me to the Hasan Sadikin Hospital (RSHS) Bandung. when I checked in the hospital, I was diagnosed with dengue fever .. until at last I have been detained in hospital for one week because of this disease. During one week in the hospital, I do not remember anything?? Only vague shadows that I can receive. possible at this point I was going through at that critical .. trobositku ranging from 30,000 - 40.000/mm3 that should normally range between 150-450 thousand / mm ³. hear my situation like this, without my knowing my mother went to bandung from Belitong directly to check on .. Love you MOM! ... As long as I treated in this hospital, I just treat with the love of vitamins, eating porridge, drinking pocary Swett, cashew seeds, and I was told to drink a lot to all .. The day I even spent a lot of Infusion Bottles .. The doctor said there is no specific medicine for the treatment of Dengue Fever is, Hear the words that my parents when on the day panik.sampai to 6 condition has improved, to make my parents not to worry anymore .. Finally on day 7, allow me at home by doctors but by the records do not make excessive activity. during the recovery period, I was brought in jakarta my home pack in the cabin de big by my parents for a week .. just a few days I met with the parents at that time because of my parents went to work belitung so leave me in jakarta. Again I felt the longing for my parents that. Because dengue fever is, I can not Participate in campus .. Newbie here's a little bit about my experience of this disease DB ...* Before I love Tips to Prevent and Treat Dengue Fever, I explain the APA's DB?.Dengue hemorrhagic fever, Dengue hemorrhagic medical terms Fever (DHF) is a disease caused by infection with Dengue virus types 1-4, and is transmitted through the bite of female Aedes aegypti mosquito (dominant) and several other Aedes species. In Indonesia alone, the four types of dengue virus can be found, and are associated with severe symptoms of DHF are type 3. Immunity (immunity) against one type of virus does not apply to other types of virus infection, it can even lead to unfavorable reactions in the body.The number of DHF cases increased primarily during the rainy season when water sources for breeding Aedes mosquitoes are everywhere, if not done a good environmental cleanup program.During the non-contaminated mosquitoes aides aigypti the dengue virus dengue mosquito bite is not dangerous. If mosquitoes are sucking the blood of patients with dengue fever mosquito becomes dangerous because it can transmit the deadly dengue virus. It is necessary to control the mosquito species Aedes aegypti for dengue virus is not transmitted from person to person.* Any sign-sign?symptoms that appear due to dengue virus infection typically appear after an incubation period (the time when the virus evolves to cause symptoms) 3-8 days after the virus enters the body. If the immune system can overcome the virus, the symptoms may seem minor or even not available. But if not, can occur several conditions as follows:A. Sudden high fever,> 38 ° C, 2-7 days2. Fever can not be solved by lowering the maximum normal3, nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite drinking4. Joint pain, muscle pain (ache)5. Headache, dizziness6. Pain or burning sensation in the back of the eyeball7. Facial redness8. Abdominal pain9. Constipation (hard bowel movements) or diarrheaIf the above symptoms can not be overcome can arise new phenomena, namely:A. Sudden high fever> 38 ° C for 2-7 days2. Presence of spontaneous bleeding manifestations, such as red spots on the skin that do not disappear when pressed (especially in the area of ​​the elbow, wrist and feet), nosebleeds, bleeding gums, bleeding is difficult to stop if injected or injured3. Enlargement of the liver organ (liver) and spleen4. shock* This is for the treatment of dengue fever this?Dengue Fever Treatment is supportive and symptomatic in fact, that does not require medication for kausanya (like antivirus). The most emphasis was nutrition and hydration alias eating and drinking enough. More emphasis to drink a lot, to overcome the effects of leakage of blood plasma and increase platelet counts. At a minimum, meet the needs of daily fluid per day, which can be calculated by the formula:A. Adults: 50 cc / kg bw / day2. Children: For the first 10 kg: 100cc/kg bw / day- For the second 10 kg: 50 cc / kg bw / day- For the third 10 kg and so on: 20 cc / kg bw / dayExample: Children 8 years old so and so with the BB 23 kg, mean fluid requirement per day is ((100 × 10) + (50 × 10) + (20 × 3)) = 1560 ccOther treatments can be given is a warm compress and fever if fever, appetite enhancer vitamins, Antiemetic if needed. Keep in mind also that the use of antibiotics is not necessary in the case of pure DHF (in the absence of bacterial infection). The patients were advised to keep the absorption of food, especially in liquid form. If it can not be done, with the addition of intravenous fluids may be needed to prevent excessive dehydration and hemoconcentration.Platelet transfusion is performed if the platelet count dropped dramatically. Other alternative treatments are generally known by drinking guava juice bangkok, but efficacy has not been proven in medical, but the reality can restore guava intravenous fluids.Despite this combination of medical management is done and the alternatives should still be considered* To prevent it I love Tips:certainly better to prevent than to cure .. ga right? cheaper for sure when speaking fee .. hehee .. Especially when it's in the hospital and is associated with a person lives in the attack of dengue fever can certainly spend millions of money .. tuh Money from where? Ngepet?? Or melihara tuyul? Wkwkkk ..To prevent this, there are some things you can do:A. Eradication with 3 MSurely you already know what it is 3 M, if there is not yet know I love you know just from the curious.a. Shelters drain stagnant water in the home such as bathtubs, jars, buckets, flower vases, drinking birds, ant traps, fridge / dispenser etc.b. Shut all water reservoirs such as buckets, barrels, drums etc. so that mosquitoes do not come in and lay eggsc. Bury all used goods that are around that can collect rain water so as not to become a nest / egg-laying mosquitoes2. Sprinkle salt or used oil anthill, Point to prevent mosquito breeding.3. Do not hang clothes, hanging clothes [usually in the room] can be avoided if, especially the black color of his clothes ..4. Eat nutritious foods, eating many foods that contain Vitamin-C.Great for keeping your body from disease.5. Perform the fumigation, the fumigation or fumigation on a regular basis in places that supposedly become mosquito breeding6.Siapkan insect repellent during sleep, especially during naptime7. Avoid sleeping during the day, avoid sleeping in the morning at around 06:00 to 10:00 or afternoon at 15:00 to 17:30. If had to sleep because cape, the good Squire sleep wear repellents, mosquito coils or electric spray your room with the first anti-mosquitoDengue fever if I still think can be said damn disease .. hehee ..sometimes we've keep our neighborhood but we again fit out deh mosquito bitten, so the best prevention is a lot of praying to God to keep it healthy.Amen .. Amen sharingku about dengue fever, I hope useful for you all who read it ...
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4 Responses to this post

  1. Anonymous on June 10, 2020 at 10:35 PM

    I can't believe this. A great testimony l must share. A few months back l was diagnosed with herpes virus. I really thought my life was over. I had used different kinds of medication which didn't help. Then l browsed the internet and found a great doctor by the name Dr Odion who listened to my problems and sent me herbal medication via courier. I took the medication as instructed and within 2 weeks, the virus was gone.
    If you need any help you may contact Dr Odion on email / or whatsApp at +234 9019421176

  2. Mary Morgan on June 15, 2020 at 6:36 PM

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  3. joy bella on June 25, 2020 at 2:25 PM

    Hi, I am Joy Bella from Houston, Texas, USA. I was living with HPV(human papilloma virus) for almost 2 years, I was not myself, my body was always itching with pains until I was on the internet searching for a remedy. So luckily, i was reading testimonials of clients who was cured of herpes by the amazing spell caster named Dr Oluta spell doctor from West Africa.I contacted him by email, and within 15 minutes he got back to me and ask of my details which i provide to him, he consulted his oracle and told me the solution to my problem and how to go about it, i did is he told me and about the two days i got the cure which he prepared and send to me through DHL service, i took the cure as instructed by him getting to two days i was cured, my HPV(human papilloma virus) was cured up. All thanks to the superb healing herbs of Dr oluta
    You too can get in contact with him today if you wanna be cured from HPV(human papilloma virus) you having by email: or whatsapp +2349065326267
    you can still get in touch with me to know more my cure, here is mine email 
    Thank you so much great one.. I will continue to testify of your goodness to the universe.    

  4. Ose White on August 2, 2020 at 11:25 PM

    This is real take it serious, i am JOHNSON i am from Brazil Who will believe that a herbal medicine can cure herpes, I never believe that this will work, i have spend a lot money getting drugs from the hospital to keep me and my son healthy, it got to a point that i was waiting for death to come because i was broke, one day i heard about this great man called Dr OSEREMEN who is well known for Herpes, HIV, and Cancer cure, i decided to email him I didn't believe him that much, I just wanted to give him a try, he replied my mail and Needed some Information about me, then I sent them to him, he prepared a herbal medicine (CURE) and, he gave my details to the Courier Office. they told me that 4-8 days I will receive the package and after receiving it, i took the medicine as prescribed by him at the end of the two weeks, he told me to go to the hospital for a checkup, and i went, surprisingly after the test the doctor confirm me Herpes simplex virus negative, and my son and i thought it was a joke, i went to other hospital and was also negative, thank you for saving our life's, I promise I will always testify of your good works. If you are herpes simplex virus patient, contact him and I am sure you will get cured, contact him via: or whatsapp him at +2349056394313THESE ARE THE THINGS Dr OSEREMEN CURE. COLD SORE. HIV/AIDS. CANCER . HPV. LASSA FEVER. GONORRHEA

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